Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hello....My Name is...

Hello.........My name is P and I'm a sometimes blogger. Just like I'm a sometimes dieter. And by sometimes, I mean when I stinkin' feel like it. Does this make me a better blogger? Nooo. Does this help me lose weight? Noooo. So, as I sit here with my 1/2 cup nf milk and 1 cup of blueberries (2pts!) lemme tell what has been up with me:

I'm extremely unemployed which is creating super stress and outlook is not looking good. It has been really hard to be positive but I need to take advantage of this because I keep wondering if it is God trying to speak to me. In the past 5 years, I have not had time to take care of myself and as a result I have gained 75lbs. I have AMPLE time to take care of myself and go to the gym! My dream has ALWAYS been to write a book and now the only thing stopping me is me. I need to start my Master's and even though I'm intimidated by debt, I COULD do that. I just need to remain positive.

So. On the diet front. Since the last time you and I spoke, I had a GREAT ON week and lost 5lbs then went on a teeny-tiny secret vacation that very few know about (it was free) but there was a margarita at EVERY meal which caused like a 3.5 lb gain. So, this week I'm BACK on and I weigh in tomorrow. I LOVE weighing in Friday afternoons because I use all weekly points on Friday night-Saturday night. I used to have a Sunday weigh in which was historically speaking, not one of my better plans.

Okey doke. Going to make a grocery list and get to bed! Adios.

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