Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Motivation is one of my favorite topics to discuss. It is what teachers are constantly striving to find as well as dieters. What motivates us? Why are we so motivated on the front end but as the newness wears off, so does the motivation? Research shows that motivation is internal and personal. What motivates me won't motivate you. How do you find out what that motivator is though? Can that be a Facebook quiz? Would be great!

When teaching kids, we must know their interests but they must also understand the impact of their hard work. Kids do not understand why education is so important nor do they understand why they are learning that particular concept.

Dieters on the other hand are different. We know why we want to lose weight. I want to be thin again so that I am physically attractive. I want to wear fun and beautiful clothes that do not otherwise look good on me. I also want to live forever and in order to do that, I must live a healthy lifestyle. I want all of those things badly. Then why can I stay on-plan for 5 days then eat candy, ice cream and all other things made by the devil for 3 days negating all of the progress I have made? I feel like I can't even stay on plan long enough to make a noticeable bit of progress.

If you find the answers, you call me.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Have you done it?

I did it. I finally did it. Have you done it? I'm not a bandwagon jumper so I usually wait six months and THEN try it just as the trend it dying. It was o.k. I wasn't very good at it because I'm ridiculously uncoordinated. I'm talking about Zumba. I shook my wild thing with 30 other people and I plan to do so again tomorrow night. I feel like the more I do it, the better I will get. So, are you ready for the BEST part about Zumba? I didn't even notice the hour passing. It was fast and furious and then over! My FAVORITE kind of exercise! So my other favorite part of Zumba was this ridiculousness:

What in the free world is that??????? Two older women were wearing these "belly dancer" type skirts over their workout pants. Unless you are a belly dancer or for that matter, in BELLY DANCING classes, you are not welcome to wear the clinky-clanky skirt. Do you understand me? Not acceptable. Overall: If they were giving grades for Zumba, I would get an F. Luckily, I plan to keep trying harder and will maybe earn a B+.

Monday, September 6, 2010

How Exercise and Kissing Cost Me

So. From the last post, I hope you gathered that I'm making uber effort. I want this. I walked 2.5 miles earlier today and thought it was just too hot to continue so I went home. To make up for it, tonight I decided to walk an old jogging route of mine from 65lbs ago. After my trusty route, I drove a couple of blocks to my boyfriend's work to give him a surprise kiss. We do that. It is sweet. After said kiss and surprise, I got back in the car and it was dead. Nothing.

Spoken of sweet boyfriend pushes the car for me while I steer into a better location for the tow truck guy to come and pick it up. Tow truck guy gets there and says....."hey, lemme see what it sounds like." I turn it over and it starts. Seriously. So. Tow truck guy says that it is either my battery or alternator. The goal is to take my car to O'Reilly's or Autozone or whatever tomorrow.

So. If I didn't want to exercise or kiss. I would be a richer woman. (For probably like a day.)

While I Was Out....

I frankly wasn't doing much. I am still a member of Weight Watchers but I frankly haven't been doing much with the plan. I've hit a point of super shame in my weight where I am SICK of looking like this. I have decided that I WILL blog everyday no matter what because even if I don't have a day to brag about, I still want to be accountable.

I hit a spot in my weight where I don't want to go out, be in public nor attend events that I would be otherwise looking forward to. That is just a depressing way to live life.

Since I talked to you last, I am still unemployed and I am now living in a new apartment. The only reason that the unemployment is notable is because that means I have had over 3 months of nothing interfering with a workout routine/diet plan and I have piddled that time away. That sucks.

So. New plan. Following Weight Watchers online. Dedicated to 5 workouts a week. I would like to lose 15lbs by October 31st which I know is very difficult BUT I think it is attainable if I stay focused. I also have a 25lb goal before January 1st. This IS attainable and I know I CAN do it.

So, I'm back baby.