Motivation is one of my favorite topics to discuss. It is what teachers are constantly striving to find as well as dieters. What motivates us? Why are we so motivated on the front end but as the newness wears off, so does the motivation? Research shows that motivation is internal and personal. What motivates me won't motivate you. How do you find out what that motivator is though? Can that be a Facebook quiz? Would be great!
When teaching kids, we must know their interests but they must also understand the impact of their hard work. Kids do not understand why education is so important nor do they understand why they are learning that particular concept.
Dieters on the other hand are different. We know why we want to lose weight. I want to be thin again so that I am physically attractive. I want to wear fun and beautiful clothes that do not otherwise look good on me. I also want to live forever and in order to do that, I must live a healthy lifestyle. I want all of those things badly. Then why can I stay on-plan for 5 days then eat candy, ice cream and all other things made by the devil for 3 days negating all of the progress I have made? I feel like I can't even stay on plan long enough to make a noticeable bit of progress.
If you find the answers, you call me.